Permanent Water System Management

Under Gambella Refugee Operation where the necessary funding provision made by UNHCR, ANE was providing the operation and maintenance of Jewi Water Supply System between 2017 to 2021. This particular system uses Baro River as a source of water. Its treatment plant has the capacity to produce 1500 m3 of water/day. The treatment process is undertaken at treatment plant by adding appropriate amount of Aluminum Sulfate and Lime.

In Jewi water treatment plant; there are 6 T-95 storage tankers with the total capacity of 570m3. In this humanitarian intervention, ANE was apparently overseeing this water system management having two storage reservoirs, one with a capacity of 370 m3 and the other with a capacity of 330 m3. During the reporting period, Jewi water system served more than 61,190 members of refugee community as well as People more than 5000 members represented from host communities. ANE regularly monitored the quality of the water at the storages and 97 water points', located in the refugee residential areas and other public institutions, levels regularly.

Each year, ANE Gambella Operation was able to deliver 357,294,000 liters of water for the Refugee, Members of Host Community and Other Public Institutions in Jewi Refugee Camp. In both 2020 and 2021 budget years, ANE was able to extend its technical supports which assisted both UNHCR and RRS by conducting a detailed survey and assessment putting up constructive recommendations possible way forwards as to sustain the durable use of Jewi Water System in the region. As immediate action take to enhance the service of this water system, ANE successfully conducted different activities linked with upgrading the intake facility with raw water pumping and transmission line , installation of 100 meters suspended foot bridge to access the floating intake and pumping system as well as construction of floating intake and pumping system protection structure from river flood.